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Learning Broker

The only way to learn reliably is through repetition.

You are not signed in. Let's assume you are new. Learning Broker is a place to learn things by repetition. The main thesis of this project is that repeating things back to yourself is the only way to learn reliably. If you want to make sure to remember an important article, a great tutorial, a deep conversation, or anything else: you must take notes, break them down into learning items and review them. Else, you will forget almost all of it.

There are already many places with gamification, crazy mascots and useless shit. If this is what you like, you might find your joy at Duolingo or Memrise. There are also places a bit hacky, with infinite customisation options and a lot of features. If this is what you like, you might find your joy with Anki or Mochi. Learning Broker focuses instead on making one workflow as simple as possible: notes → learning items → review.

While you are not signed in, here is what you can do with Learning Broker:

  • Learn more about this project.
  • Crawl through public decks to see what others have shared.
  • Sign in to create and review learning items.

  • Welcome.